Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/120

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above another which is in the Twelfth House, and a planet in the Tenth House is elevated above all other planets.

Elevation is very important, for it adds considerably to the influence of a planet for good or ill. If Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, is elevated and in its own sign Aries, it endows the person with an almost inexhaustible fund of energy and an indomitable courage, which will be found lacking if he is placed in a weak sign and position like Virgo and the Sixth House. Similarly with the other signs and planets.

Ephemeris, plural Eph-e-mer-i-des:

An ephemeris is a twin sister of the Almanac, and gives the geocentric Longitudes and Declinations for the current year, It is absolutely necessary in astrological calculations. But just as it is necessary to get a new almanac for each year to see when the Moon is new and full, when it is Easter or Christmas, etc. so also is it necessary to have an ephemeris for every year when we want to cast horoscopes for people. True, the planets circle about the Sun, but each has its own specific speed, and they do not come into the same position relative to one another that they have while you are reading this, until a period which is called the Great Sidereal Year (25,868 ordinary years), has elapsed. Therefore all horoscopes, even the horoscopes of twins differ, and it is neces-