Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/169

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Right Ascension: See ‘Ascension,’


The Ruler of a horoscope is that planet which has greatest dominion and influence over the life, and to which the native most readily responds,

Other things being equal, the Lord of the Ascendant is the Ruler. But if another planet is stronger in the matters of Elevation, Dignity or Exaltation, Position in an Angle, and Aspects, then that planet must be regarded as the Ruler. But for this to hold, the aspects must be close and strong, regardless of whether they are good or bad. Good aspects will make a good Ruler, bad aspects a bad one, and without affecting the fact of rulership in either case. When two planets are about equal in strength and position, they must be classed as co-rulers.

In the case of a House, the Lord of the sign on, the cusp is its Ruler. Where there is an intercepted sign, its Lord has also partial rulership over the house, although it is inferior in this respect to the planet which rules the sign on the cusp. This rulership of an intercepted sign is latent and is not brought out until by progression of the angles the intercepted sign arrives at the cusp of the house. Planets in a house, if aspected, will ordinarily have a greater influence upon its affairs than the rulers of the signs before mentioned. In this ease, such planets may be termed co-rulers of the house.