Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/35

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must follow from our altered position relative to the fixed stars, which may account for gradual changes of conditions such as that the winters grow less cold and the summers less warm in certain parts of the world.

Furthermore, it has been observed that climatic conditions have a distinct effect on our temperament—we feel differently in summer than we do in winter—and may not this slow change relative to the fixed stars account for the change in humanity, which is called evolution? The mystic affirms that it does. As rays of the Sun, by change of the angle of incidence, call forth leaves and flowers from the plant at one time, and at another cause them to wither, so do rays from the fixed stars call forth and produce greater changes in flora and fauna; they are responsible for the rise and fall of nations and the temperamental change which we call civilization.

Bringing the analogy a step further, the natural zodiac is composed of the constellations as they are and remain in the heavens, and the intellectual zodiac commences at the changing point where the Sun crosses the equator at the vernal equinox. That is the time when Nature brings to birth that which has germinated in her womb during the preceding winter. Thus the horoscope of the world changes from year to year. “As above, so below,” is the law of analogy and the same salient points are observable in the evolution of man and microbe, star and starfish