Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/64

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For the convenience of the student we will now enunciate the rule for finding the planets’ places, in consecutive order of operation:

First—Find the G. M. T. by adding to the local time of birth 4 minutes for each degree of longitude the birth-place is west of Greenwich (subtract for East longitude).

Second—Find the interval between the G. M. T. and the nearest noon, also the logarithm of interval.

Third—Find the planet’s motion on the G. M. T. day, from the noon before the G.M.T. to the noon after the G.M.T.; find also the logarithm of that motion.

Fourth—Add to the logarithm of interval the logarithm of the planet’s motion on the G. M. T. day.

The sum of these is the logarithm of the planet’s travel during the interval.

Fifth—Find the value of the logarithm of the planet’s travel during the interval in degrees and minutes. This is the increment of correction.

Sixth—(a) When the G-M.T. is before noon (A.M.) subtract the increment of correction from the planet’s position on the noon nearest to the G. M. T. (b) When the G. M. T. is after noon (P. M.) add the increment of correction to the planet’s longitude on the noon nearest the G. M. T.

When planets are retrograde reverse the 6th rule.

The result in either case will give the exact position of the planet at G. M. T., which is entered in the proper place in the horoscope.