Page:Singing games.djvu/24

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"Mis -- ter Da -- vis is a nice young man,
He comes to the door with his hat in his hand,
And asks if Mis -- tress Howard's within; She's nei -- ther with -- in, and she's nei -- ther with -- out,
But she's up in the par -- lor, walk -- ing a -- bout.
Down she comes all dressed in silk, A rose in her bo -- som as white as milk; She takes off her gloves, she shows me her ring; To -- mor -- row, to -- mor -- row, the wed -- ding will be -- gin.'

All clap hands and dance about.


The players go round in a ring. One of their number stands in the center, and at the last verse chooses a partner. The two kiss, and the one who was first in the center takes her place in the ring, and the games goes on.

"There she stands a love -- ly creat -- ure,
Who she is I do not know, I will court her for her beau -- ty, Wheth -- er she says yes or no.

"Madam, I have gold and silver,
Madam, I have house and lands,
Madam, I have ships on the ocean,
All I have is at your command."

"What care I for gold and silver?
What care I for house and lands?
What care I for ships on the ocean?
All I want is a nice young man!"