Page:Singing games.djvu/29

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This is a very amusing game for larger children, or for grown folks.

Couples circle round one in the center, singing:

"In comes the far -- mer, drink -- ing all the ci -- der;
I have a true -- love and don't know where to find her.
Go round the ring and see if you can find her,
If you can -- not find her, choose an -- oth -- er one."

Each girl then lets go of her partner's arm, and takes the arm of the one in front of her, and the player in the center tries his best to slip into the line. If he succeeds, the one left without a partner takes his place, and watches for the next chance to get in. This game was very popular in olden times.


In this game two children (in costume or otherwise) impersonate a Quaker paying his addresses to a lady of the world. The Quaker wears a solemn face, folds his hands together, and rises on his toes, as he sings:

He.—Slowly, with nasal tones.

"Ma -- dam, I am come a -- court -- ing, Hum, hum, heigh -- ho hum!"

'Tis for pleas -- ure, not for sport -- ing, Hum, hum, heigh -- ho hum!"