Page:Singing games.djvu/42

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past the Doe, the player she is trying to catch may still be safe by placing herself in front of the Doe, where she cannot be captured. But if the Wolf catches her before she can do so, she has to leave the line and stand apart. The game continues until all the Doe's tail have been caught, or have been forced to take positions in front of her, so that she herself has become the last of the line.


Eight form a cotillion, the ninth stands at the side, calling any figures he likes, and lastly, the grand right and left, when he cuts into the dance. When he claps his hands all promenade, and the odd one tries to secure a partner. While dancing they sing the following tune:

 \relative c'' { \key g \minor \numericTimeSignature \time 2/4 { \autoBeamOff 
bes8 bes8 bes16 bes16 f16 f16 | bes8 bes8 bes8 f8 | bes8 bes8 c8 d8 | f,8 f8 g8 a8 | 
bes8 bes8 bes16 bes16 f16 f16 | bes8 bes16 bes16 bes8 f16 f16 | bes8 bes8 a8 g8 | f8 f8  g8[( bes8])  | d4 d4 | c8 bes8 g8 bes8 | c8 c8 c8 c8 | f,8 f8 g8 f8 | d'4 d4 | c8 bes8 g8 bes8 | c8 c8 d8. c16 | f,8 f8 g8 bes8 | \bar "||"
} }
"\"Old" Dan Tucker _ was a | nice old man, He | used to ride the Dar -- by ram, It | sent him whizzing _ to the foot of the hill, If he's not got up he | lies there still. _ Heigh ho, Old Dan Tucker,| You're too late to come to sup -- per; | Heigh -- ho | Old Dan Tuck -- er | You're too late | to come to sup -- "per.\""


"Bingo" is danced in the same way to the following words:

"There was a man, he had a dog,
And Bingo was his name, sir;
B - i - n - g - o,
And Bingo was his name, sir."