Page:Siouan Sociology.djvu/33

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E-an-to-ah, Stone Indians, the original appellation for the whole nation; 50 lodges, under Premier qui Voile. Jatonabinè, Les gens des roches, the Stone Indians of the English. Call themselves "Eascab." I'-an-to'-an. Either Iⁿyaⁿtoⁿwaⁿ, Stone Village, or Ihanktoⁿwaⁿ, End village or Yankton (J. O. D.).
Wah-to-pan-ah, Canoe Indians, 100 lodges, under Serpent. Otaopabinè, Les gens des canots. Waḣ-to'-pap-i-naḣ
Wah-to-pah-had-da-toh, Old Gauché's gens, i. e., Those-who-row-in-canoes; 100 lodges, under Trembling Hand. Watópachnato, Les gens de l'age. Waḣ-to'-paḣ-an-da-to, Gens de Gauché or Left Hand.
Wah-ze-ah we-chas-ta, Northern People (so called because they came from the north in 1839); 60 lodges, under Le Robe de Vent. O-see-gah (of Lewis and Clark, Discoveries, p. 43, 1806). Waḣ-zi-ah, or To-kum-pi, Gens du Nord.

The following gentes have not been collated: Of Maximilian's list, Otopachgnato, les gens du large, possibly a duplication, by