Page:Siouan Sociology.djvu/40

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Siouan Sociology

("gray eyes"?), said to refer to the effect of lightning on the eyes. This last gens consists of Thunder and Reptile people.

The Iñke-sabĕ formerly consisted of four subgentes. When the gens met as a whole, the order of sitting was that shown in figure 35. In the tribal circle the Wa¢igije camped next to the Hañga gens, and the other Iñke-sabĕ people came next to the Wejiⁿcte; but in the gentile "council fire" the first became last and the last first.

The Ieki¢ĕ or Criers.

The Naq¢eit'a-bajĭ, Those-who-touch-no-charcoal.

The three subgentes here named sat on the same side of fireplace.

The Hañga formerly had four subgeutes, but two of them, the Wa¢iitaⁿ or Workers, and the Ha-ʇu-it'-ajĭ, Touches-no-green(-corn)-husks, are extinct, the few survivors having joined the other subgentes. The remaining subgentes are each called by several names: 1, ʇcsaⁿha-ʇa¢icaⁿ, pertaining to the sacred skin of an albino buffalo cow, or Wacabe, Dark buffalo; or Hañga-qti, real Hañga; or ʇe-¢eze-¢atajĭ, Do-not-eat-buffalo-tongues. 2, Jaⁿha-ʇa¢icaⁿ, pertaining to the sacred (cottonwood) bark; or Waq¢exe-a¢iⁿ, Keeps-the-"spotted-object" (the sacred pole); or Jaⁿ-waqube-a¢iⁿ, Keeps-the-sacred-or-mysterious-wood (pole); or ʇa-waqube-¢atajĭ, Does-not-eat-the-sacred (mysterious)-buffalo-sides; or Miⁿxa-saⁿ-¢atajĭ-kĭ Petaⁿ-¢atajĭ, Eat-no-geese-or-swans-or-cranes.

In the tribal circle the Wacabe camped next to the Iñke-sabĕ, and the Waqe¢xe-aciⁿ were next to the Wasabe-hit'ajĭ subgens of the ¢atada; but in the Hañga gentile assembly the positions were reversed, the Wacabe sitting on the right side of the fire and the Waqe¢xe-aciⁿ on the left.

The Wasabe-hit'ajĭ subgens of the ¢atada was divided into four sections: Black-bear, Raccoon, Grizzly-bear, and Porcupine. The only survivors are the Black-bear and Raccoon (Singers).