Page:Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator.djvu/200

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that and also the other village — with the rest of the infantry behind them in support, the 8-inch howitzer on the road, and the field guns and the cavalry on the right flank. On the enemy advancing beyond Chinhat, in considerable strength, the artillery opened on them, and in a short time they retreated and disappeared entirely. Presently, however, they reappeared opposite our right — the dangerous flank — and again our artillery opened out on them and seemed to check them. But meanwhile a grave error of omission had been made. The line of groves that approached Ishmaelganj on the left had not been properly guarded — no pickets had been placed there to prevent the approach of an enemy unseen. Hence the rebels' right wing had advanced through or behind the grove, formed up in force in it unnoticed, opposite and close to Ishmaelganj, and then dashed into it in mass; and, having driven out the advanced guard, brought an overwhelming fire to bear all round, a direct fire on the 32nd in rear of the village, and a flanking fire on the 8-inch howitzer on the road and on the native infantry and field artillery beyond.

This decided the contest at once. The 32nd could not face the fire, and retired; the 8-inch howitzer was captured; the field guns kept the enemy at bay for a while, two of them however falling into the enemy's hands, while the gallant charges of the few volunteer cavalry and the steady conduct of the native infantry covered the retreat of the force, and