Page:Sir James the Ross.pdf/5

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Thy luckleſs lover calls on thee,
'a long farewel to take.

For I have ſtain fierce Donald Græme,
' his blood is on my ſword";
And diſtant are my faithful men,
'that ſhould aſſiſt their lord.

To Sky I'll now direct my way,
'where my brave brothers bide,
And raiſe the valiant of the Iſles,
'to combat on my ſide.'

O do not ſo!' the maid replies,
'with me till morning ſtay:
For dark and dreary is the night,
'and dangerous the way.

All night I'll watch thee in the park,
'my faithful page I'll ſend,
To run and raiſe the Roſs's clan,
'their maſter to defend.'

Beneath a buſh he laid him down,
and wrapt him in his plaid;
While, trembling for her lover's fate,
at diſtance ſtood the maid.

ſwift ran the page o'er hill and dale,
till in a lonely glen
He met the furious Sir John Graeme;
with twenty of his men.

Where goeſt thou, little page 'he ſaid,
'ſo late, who did thee fend?'
I go to raiſe the Roſs's clan,

'their maſter to defend;.