Page:Sir William Herschel, his life and works (1881).djvu/237

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I.—List of the Published Writings of William Herschel on Astronomical Subjects.

[In chronological order.]

N.B.—In general, translations and abstracts of those which appeared in periodicals are not noticed here. I have made exceptions in the more important cases.

[Solution of a prize question. See this book, page 46.]

Ladies' Diary, 1779.

Astronomical observations on the periodical star in Collo Ceti.

Phil. Trans., 1780, p. 338.

Astronomical observations relating to the mountains of the moon.

Phil. Trans., 1780, p. 507.

Astronomical observations on the rotation of the planets round their axes, made with a view to determine whether the earth's diurnal motion is perfectly equable.

Phil. Trans., 1781, p. 115.

Account of a comet. [Dated 13th March, 1781. This was Uranus.]

Phil. Trans., 1781, p. 492.

On the parallax of the fixed stars.

Phil. Trans., 1782, p. 82.

Catalogue of double stars.

Phil. Trans., 1782, p. 112: translation in Bode's Jahrbuch, 1786, p. 187.