Page:Sir William Herschel, his life and works (1881).djvu/249

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Harding (O. L.)

Des Herrn Dr. Herschel's Untersuchungen über die Natur der Sonnenstrahlen, aus dem englischen übersetzt. Erstes Heft. [Translations from Phil. Trans., 1800 ] Celle, 1801. 16mo.

Hastings (C. S.)

See Holden and Hastings.

Herschel (Carolina.)

An Account of a new Comet. [1786, II.]
Phil. Trans., 1787, vol. LXXVII, p. 1.

Herschel (Carolina.)

An Account of the Discovery of a Comet. [1793, I.]
Phil. Trans., 1794, vol. LXXXIV., p. 1.

Herschel (Carolina.)

An Account of the Discovery of a Comet. [1795, II.]
Phil. Trans., 1796, vol. LXXXVI., p. 131.

Herschel (Carolina.)

Catalogue of Stars taken from Flamsteed's observations contained in the second volume of his Historia Cœleslis, and not inserted in the British Catalogue; to which is added a collection of errata which should be noticed in the same volume; with remarks by W. Herschel. London, 1798. Folio.

Herschel (Carolina.)

Verzeichniss von 74 Sternen Flamsteeds von denen keine beobachtungen in der Hist. Cœl. Brit. vorkommen.
Bode's Jahrbuch, 1806, p. 255.

[Herschel (Carolina.)]

[Notice of her Life.]
Monthly Notices Roy. Ast. Soc., vol. 8, p. 64; also, Memoirs Roy. Ast. Soc., vol. 17, p. 120.

[Herschel (Carolina.)]

Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschel. By Mrs. John Herschel. With portraits. London, 1876. 12mo.