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Historians and Philosophers

Annotated editions

Three volumes, leather backs, demy 8 vo.

More’s Utopia. Edited by J. H. Lupton. 10 s. 6 d. net.
Bacon’s Essays. Edited by S. H. Reynolds. 10 s. 6 d. net.

Selden’s Table Talk. Edited by S. H. Reynolds. 8 s. 6 d. net.

Hooker’s Complete Works, with Walton’s Life. Arranged by J. Keble. 7th ed., revised by R. W. Church and F. Paget. 3 vols. medium 8 vo. 12 s. each. Vol. II contains Book V of the Ecclesiastical Polity.

Introduction to Book V. By F. Paget. Ed. 2. Cr. 8 vo. 5 s. n.

Clarendon’s History. Re-edited from a fresh collation of the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, with marginal dates and occasional notes, by W. Dunn Macray. Six volumes, crown 8 vo. 36 s. net.
Hume’s Letters to Strahan. Ed. G. Birkbeck Hill. 8 vo. 12 s. 6 d.
Chesterfield’s Letters to his Godson. Edited from the Originals, with a Memoir of Lord Chesterfield, by the late Earl of Carnarvon. Ed. 2. With appendix and additional correspondence. Royal 8 vo. £1 1 s. net.

Older editions

Clarendon’s History and his Life, written by himself, in which is included a Continuation of his History of the Grand Rebellion. Imp. 8 vo. 10 s. 6 d. n.
Clarendon’s History, with the notes of Bishop Warburton. 1849. Seven volumes, medium 8 vo. 42 s. net.
Clarendon’s Life, including the Continuation. 1857. 2 vols. med. 8 vo. 12 s. n.
Butler’s Works. 1875. Two volumes, 8 vo. 5 s. 6 d. each.

Dr. Birkbeck Hill’s Johnson and Boswell

The set of thirteen uniform volumes, medium 8 vo., quarter-roan £7 net, cloth £6 net

Johnson’s Lives of the Poets. Edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, With a memoir of Dr. Birkbeck Hill, by his nephew Harold Spencer Scott, and a full index. Three vols. Quarter-roan, £2 2 s. net; cloth, £1 16 s. net.

Letters. Two volumes. Quarter-roan, £1 4 s. net; cloth, £1 1 s. net.
Miscellanies. Two volumes. Quarter-roan, £1 4 s. net; cloth, £1 1 s. net.

Boswell’s Life of Johnson: including the Tour to the Hebrides, and Johnson’s Diary of a Journey into North Wales. Edited by G. Birkbeck Hill. Six vols. With portraits and facsimiles. Quarter-roan, 50 s. net; cloth, 42 s. net.

Walpole’s Letters. Edited by Mrs. Paget Toynbee, with over 100 letters hitherto unpublished and 50 photogravure portraits of Walpole and his circle. 16 vols. Vol. XVI. contains Indexes, compiled at the Press, of Persons (revised by Andrew Clark), of Places, and of Subjects. In three styles: demy 8 vo., on hand-made paper, cloth, £16 net: crown 8 vo., £4 16 s. net; on Oxford India paper, in 8 double volumes, £6 16 s. net.