Page:Six Temples at Thebes 1896.djvu/37

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His feet failed (?)
His women were taken away before his face,
The provisions (?) of his store (?) were plundered,
He had no water skin for his sustenance,
His brothers plotted his murder,
His officers fought with one another,
Their camp was burned, made to ashes (?)
His whole property became a booty of the soldiers.
Arriving in his country he lamented,
Every one in his country was ashamed to receive him (?)
Punished prince, evil fate, 'feather'! (?)
Called him all the inhabitants of his city.
He is in the power of the gods, the Lords of Memphis.
The ruler of Egypt has cursed his name,
Mauroy is an abomination to Memphis,
With every descendant of his family forever;
Banera-Meriamun pursues his children,
Merneptah-Hetephermaat is sent to him as a Fate,
He is become a proverb (?) for Libya.
The young men tell each other of his victories:
Since the time of Ra such has never happened to us! (?)
All old men tell to their sons:
Woe (?) over Libya!
One can no longer go pleasantly in the fields,
In a single day our walking has been made impossible,
In one year the Tehenu have been burned.
Sutech has turned his back to their princes,
Their settlements are wasted on account of him (?)
In those days one did not carry baskets, (?)
It was best to hide one's self,
One is safe (only) in the citadel (?).
The great ruler of Egypt,
Might and strength belong to him.
Who dares to fight, knowing his step!
A wretched and mad one is he who resists him.
He who transgresses his command.
Does not see the next day.
For Egypt is called since the reign of the gods.
The only daughter of Ra,
His son sitting upon the throne of Shu, the sun of
His heart is not forbearing (.?) towards him.
Who outrages his inhabitants.
The eye of every god pursues him
Who abuses the
It brings up the most distant foes —
Thus they speak (sc. the old men)
The seers of the stars (i*)
Who know their meaning observing them say: (?)
A great wonder has come to pass in Egypt,
He has made him whom his hand reached,
A living prisoner.
The divine King triumphs (.') over his enemies before
Mauroy, the evil doer, is dashed down (?) by every
god of Memphis.
He (sc. Ra) judges him in Heliopolis,
And the assembly of the gods declares him guilty
of his crimes.
The Lord of the All says:
Give the sword of victory.
To my true-hearted, good and mild son Merenptah,
Who cares for Memphis (?)
And defends Heliopolis (?)
The cities closed shall be opened again.
He shall free many enchained in each district (?)
And give sacrifices to the temples (again).
He shall bring incense before the god again.
He shall bring back (?) again to the great their
And let the poor return (?) into their cities. —
The Lords of Heliopolis say to their son Merenptah:
May a long lifetime be his lot,
For he has defended the oppressed (?) of every
foreign land.
Egypt shall be given to him as the heritage (?)
Of him, who has placed him (?)
As administrator for himself forever (?).
(For) his strength is its people.
Behold one is sitting safe in the time of the strong (?)
The breeze of life is on his arms (?)
The following is told:
Mauroy the wretched conquered prince of Libya
To attack the walls of the Prince (Memphis),
And [of] every (god) (?) who lets his son be brilliant
upon his seat.
The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Merenptah. —
Ptah speaks to the prince of Libya:
All his crimes shall be collected.
And shall fall back upon his head;
He shall be given into the hand of Merenptah,
That he may cause him to spit out.
What he has swallowed as a crocodile.
As the hastener brings up the hastening (?),
The Lord {i.e. Pharoah) shall seize him,
2 E