Page:Sixteen years of an artist's life in Morocco, Spain and the Canary Islands.djvu/4

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Farewell to England―Trip to Gibraltar and Cadiz Proposed―The “Royal Tar” in Deshabille―An Accommodating Stewardess―The Artists at Sea―An Atelier on Shipboard―The Sultan of Morocco Supplies me with a Model―Change of Mind―I Resolve to Make Acquaintance with the Moors―A Peep at Gibraltar―The Silent City―Tangier from the Sea―Professional Rivalry―When Jew Meets Jew―I am Plumped Down in Morocco . . . . . . . 1
What is Good for our Fathers is Good for Us―How the True Believer gets to Heaven―Elegant Figures and Female Curiosity―How the Nazarene Woman Suffers for her Faith―The Sultan's Captain of Tangier―A Motley Crowd, and Life in the Streets―Her Britannic Majesty's Diplomatic Agent―The Call to Prayer―Jew and Christian near the Mosque―The Moorish Merchant and his Wares―Travellers see Strange Things―A Patent for Superseding Soap, Water, and Towel―A Jewish Bride, and Entertainment in Honour of the Betrothed―A Discordant Concert―How they Pay the Piper―A Moorish Dance. . . . . . . 12

Theories of Beauty―Size, the Measure of Female Loveliness―The Servant of Servants―Jews and Jewesses―How Dark Eyes are made Darker―Freedom of Action of the Moorish Women―What sort of Animal is a Nazarene Woman?―I take Tea with a Lady―A Moorish Household―Legitimate Shoots and Superfluous Offshoots―Saracenic Decorations―The Secrets of the Toilet. . . . . . . . . . 29