Page:Sixteen years of an artist's life in Morocco, Spain and the Canary Islands.djvu/49

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sessed that peculiarly marble-like quality which is only obtained by the frequent use of the bath. Her hair was flowing down in rich luxuriance over her shoulders, and the head and face altogether presented an appearance of remarkable beauty. But the extraordinary size of her body, which was quite overwhelming, I found rather difficult to recognize as any recommendation in the way of beauty, according to my European standard, which I do not find myself quite prepared to dispense with.

In Morocco, the Moorish maiden, on her betrothal, undergoes a regular course of fattening, which is continuously carried on till her marriage, and which is conducted on the same principle as that on which our farmers fatten fowls. While undergoing the process, she sits all day in a dimly-lighted room, and is stuffed incessantly with Enscupoo, a preparation of flour, which is the national dish of Morocco, in addition to which she drinks copiously of water. While undergoing this regimen she is dressed lightly, and in order to prevent any exertion or exercise on her part, she wears a gigantic pair of silver anklets, of great weight, the presence of which renders rest more desirable than the slightest locomotion. This process continues for some time and the indolence of the mind being added to that