Page:Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry.djvu/465

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(rr The distance of the press fiomthe author's rcalJcnce, has necessarily placed Its correction in other hands: and various errors have unavoidably oc curred, which the reader is requested to correct, according to the list of errata below.


��Page 2, line 2 from the bottom, and i|<.ge 344, line lo, i:or encoachmenf, voz^ encroachmenu 4 7 from the bottom, and elsewhere, for corUroukd, read co"/,olkT ^'^"^'^'^"^"f^'

4, 3 trom the bottom, for those amnsemeats, read chese amusement's,

s, 7, for laym/{ along:, read lymg along.

10, 9 from the bottom, for 7vhic?i his attempts, read while his attempts.

��5, for provision, read provisions. 27, 12, for aaiamafion, read acclamnlions.

36, 15, 16, for Roscius the actor, read Koscius of Ameria.

41, 12, dele««rf. "'

��41, 46,

��f^^'"?™ i-K*^ •'"M"'"' ^"r '/'«■?< read /Awe .• this mistake occurs in several other place?. 12, tor haxuard, read tdniund. ' •

��II'?n^'r™ ^l'^ "^i"!!)' ^^Pj^oi'^' George M^ythe should commence a pai-agraph.

54, 19, for stronghold, read r/crt., ' '^ *^

54, 26. for gift, read ^y?*.

65, 6 ^V^^Ji^^^!^/^^^^^'^ themselves thcu had bound hini, read flattered themselves that they

83, 10, for recision, read rescission.

85, 8 from the bottom, for passed, read pressed,

86, 1 and 2, for thaf house, read ^^ie (ndtlic councils.

87, 1, for gentleman, read gentlemen. 89, 4, for &ar, read jarf.

119, 13 arsd 14, for 77rfe in it, read r/cfe?n and direct it.

320, 14 fiom the bottom, for Is it, read Is this.

131, 5, for resistance in convert, read united resistance.

13r3, 5, for expressions, read expression.

153, 9 from the bottom, for attentoin, read attention.

196, 10 of the note, for « recital, read f/<e j-fci^c/.

239, 1 of the note, for skirmishers, read skirmishes.

240, 6, for benefit, read benefits.

241, 1, for io procure, read m procuring.

255, 5 from the bottom, for countenances, read countenance.

283, 18, for clauses, read clause.

295, 16—17, for fiery force, read this fiery force.

304, fifter the woitl years, put a comma instead of the semicolon.

309, line 23—24, for admitting the submission, read submitting the decisiop.

315, 5 from the bottom, i'or federal court, resulftderaUiniiit court.

319, 4, for Mr. /nnij, rtad an<^ /tfj-. /nn/*.

326, 6, for opposite, read apposite.

328, 3, dele /hV.

331, 6, for treatises, read treaties.

35 {, 10, for 7yA«/ w, read what are.

358, 12, for rifihts, read n'l.'A/.

573, 13, dele you.

374, 14, for patriotic face, read patriot fare.

387, last, for t/o/i?- ajfectiomtte father, read your ever affccticnnle father.

396, 11, for majority in the house, read majority of the house.

417 y 4 of the note, fun formerly, ruitti formally,

419, 5 of the note, tor they had commenced loo, read ^/wy had commenced it too.

425, 10 from tlic bottom, [ot from vther orators, read fome o^/ier oruiors.

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