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( 23 )

theſe, in general, are purchaſed by the Jews and ſurgeons, but chiefly the former, upon calculation, at ſo low a price as five or ſix dollars a head. Sometimes the captains march their ſlaves through the town at which they intend to diſpoſe of them; and then place them in rows where they are examined and purchaſed.

The mode of ſelling them by ſcramble is follows.

The negroes being landed, and placed together in a large yard, belonging to the merchants to whom the ſhip is conſigned. As ſoon as the hour agreed on arrives, the doors of the yard are ſuddenly thrown open, and in ruſh the purchasers, with all the ferocity of brutes. Some inſtantly ſeize ſuch of the negroes as they can conveniently lay hold of with their hands. Others, being prepared with ſeveral handkerchiefs tied together, encircle with theſe as many as they are able. While others, by means of a rope affect the ſame purpoſe. It is ſcarcely poſſible to deſcribe the confuſion of which this mode of ſelling is productive. It likewiſe (illegible text)uſes much animoſity among the purchaſers, who, not unfrequently upon theſe occaſions, fall out and quarrel with each other; and often the poor aſtoniſhed negroes are ſo much terrified by theſe proceedings, that several of them, through fear, climb over the wall of the court yard, and run wild