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traders do theirs, are ſold by them to the ſhips. And for every negroe ſold there by the traders, the kings receive a duty, which amounts to a conſiderable ſum in the courſe of a year. This duty is collected by officers, ſtationed on board the ſhips, who are termed officer boys.

The kings of Bonny are abſolute, though elective. They are aſſiſted in the government by a ſmall number of perſons of a certain rank, who are ſtyled parliament gentlemen; an office which they generally hold for life. Every ſhip on its arrival, is expected to ſend a preſent to theſe gentlemen, of bread and beef, and to treat them as often as they come on board. When they do this their approach to the ſhip is announced by blowing through a hollow elephant's tooth, which produces a ſound reſembling that of a poſt-horn.

After the kings have been on board, and have received the uſual preſents, permiſſion is granted by them for trafficking with any of the black traders. When the royal gueſts return from the ſhips, they are ſaluted by the guns.

From the time of the arrival of the ſhips to their departure, which is uſually near three months, ſcarce a day paſſes without ſome negroes being purchaſed, and carried on board: ſometimes in ſmall, and ſometimes in larger numbers. The whole number taken on board, depends in a