Page:Slavonic Fairy Tales.djvu/142

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Ivan Kruchina.

"I did not expect to see you again," said the horse. "I have helped you before; help me now. Let me out that I may stretch my legs."

Ivan took down the keys, unlocked the chains, and freed the horse.

"I would not allow any one here to mount me," said the horse. "Now make haste, put on saddle and bridle, and get on my back. Take one of the gloves and the brush from the wall. They will be useful to you."

Ivan took the glove and the brush from the hook, mounted the horse, shook the silken reins, and the horse rushed out like an arrow, the sparks flying from beneath his hoofs. He cleared the crystal gates at a bound.

After a little while the horse said to Ivan, "Get down on the ground and hearken if they are pursuing us. The czar has a wind-horse, as swift as lightning; he is sure to overtake us."

Ivan put his ear to the ground and listened.

"They are pursuing us!" he cried.

"Throw the glove down behind you."

Ivan threw down the glove, and there arose from the ground a dense, dark forest, which stopped the way. Ivan rode on.

Meanwhile the people cut down the forest and began again to pursue Ivan.

"Throw the brush down behind you."