Page:Smith - The game of go.djvu/96

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9. F 3. (“Kogeima.”) This is the usual move.

10. C 7. (“Ogeima.”) This is the usual reply. See the chapter on “Joseki.”

11. C 3.

12. D 3. Cutting off No. 11.

13. C 4. (“Nohiru”) Giving aid to No.11.

14. D 5.

15. C 5.

16. C 6. (“Osaeru.”) Black could not do this before.

17. D 2.

18. E 2.

19. C 2. (“Tsugu.”) This move is necessary.

20. E 3. (“Tsugu.”) White now has the corner, but Black has possibilities of expansion.

21. F 4. Supporting No. 9. “Ikken tobi” would be dangerous.

22. E 6. Connecting and at the same time attacking White.

23. G 6.

24. C 11. Making territory on the left side of the board.

25. K 17. Aiming to make territory at the top of the board.

26. L 3. Precipitate.

Comment by Honinbo Shuye:
“Black’s twenty-sixth move is premature, and it has the effect of precipitating the contest too early in the game. The territory around that point is dangerous ground for Black. N 17 would have been better.”

27. N 4. This is necessary to lead out the stone at N 3. “Ikken tobi” would dangerous.

28. L 5. Leading out toward the center. ("Ikken taka tobi”)

Comment by Honinbo Shuye:
“Black should have played at H 4. White would then play at F 2, and Black would reply at F 1.”

29. O 5.

30. H 3. Taking territory.

Comment by Honinbo Shuye :
“Black should still play at H 4.”