Page:Smithsonian Report (1909).djvu/645

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Smithsonian Report, 1909.—MacCurdy.
Plate 1.
Geological periods. Glacial and
interglacial epochs.
Fauna. Human remains. Cultural epochs. Type stations.
Recent. Postglacial. Existing fauna. Neolithic races. Omalian. Omal, Belgium. Neolithic.
Robenhausian. Robenhausen, Switzerland.
Campignian. Le Campigny (Seine-Inférieure).
Flénusian. Flénu, Belgium.
Tardenoisian. Fère-en-Tardenois (Aisne).
Ofnet. Asylian (transition). Mas d'Azil (Ariège).
Quaternary. Upper. Flandrian (loess). Daun Stage. Reindeer. Cro-Magnon, Grimaldi. Upper Magdalenian. La Madeleine (Dordogne). Upper Paleolithic.
Gschnitz Stage. Middle Magdalenian.
Bühl Stage. Lower Magdalenian.
Bison. Placard. Upper Solutréan. Solutré (Saône-et-Loire).
Grimaldi (Negroid). Lower Solutréan.
Equus caballus.
La Chapelle-aux-Saints,
Krapina, Spy,
La Ferrassie,
Homo mousteriensis.
Upper Aurignacian. Aurignac (Haute-Garonne).
Brabantian (loess).
Würm glacial
Middle Aurignacian.
Lower Aurignacian.
Riss-Würm interglacial. Ursus spelaeus. Upper Mousterian. Le Moustier (Dordogne).
Middle. Hesbayan (Sand loess). Elephas primigenius. Middle Mousterian.
Lower Mousterian.
Campinian (Old Diluvium). Riss glacial (Illinoisan). Bury Saint-Edmunds. Upper Acheulian. Saint-Acheul (Somme). Lower
Rhinoceros tichorhinus. Lower Acheulian.
Chellean. Chelles (Seine-et-Marne).
Mindel-Riss interglacial. Rhinoceros merckii. Strépyan. Strépy, Belgium.
Lower. Mosean (Old Diluvium). Elephas antiquus. Mesvinian. Mesvin, Belgium. Eolithic.
Mindel glacial (Kansan). Homo heidelbergensis. Mafflean. Maffle, Belgium.
Reutelian. Reutel, Belgium.
Tertiary. Pliocene. Upper. Günz-Mindel interglacial. Elephas meridionalis. Saint-Prestian. Saint-Prest (Eure-et-Loir).
Middle. Günz glacial (Pre-Kansan). Kentian. Kent, England.
Miocene. Upper. Hipparion, Dinotherium. Cantalian. Puy-Courny (Cantal).
Oligocene. Upper.
Middle. Fagnian (doubtful). Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium.
Relative Chronology of the Stone Age.