Page:Smithsonian Report (1909).djvu/711

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Smithsonian Report, 1909.—MacCurdy.

Plate 15.

Smithsonian Report (1909), 0711a.png

Fig. a. Skull of the Fossil Man of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, after Restoration of the Nasal Bones and Jaws. After Boule, L'anthr., 20, p. 267, 1909.

Smithsonian Report (1909), 0711b.png

Fig. b. Profiles of the Cranium of a Chimpanzee, the Cranium of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, and that OF A Modern Frenchman Superposed, and with a common Basi-nasal Line Equal in Length for Each. Ba, Basion; Na, Nasion. After Boule, L'anthr., 20, p. 265, 1909.