Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/149

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All. [In a tremendous whisper.] WASHED !

[They carry him to the barrel, plump him in with a great splash, and pump on him. hen, as they scrub and rub and soap and stir him about in the water, they chant in chorus:

The Dwarfs.

Here's the pump to douse him with!
Here are suds to souse him with!
Here's the sponge to sop him with!
Here's the broom to mop him with!
Here's the soap to scrub him with!
Here's the cloth to rub him with!
Rub! Scrub! Mop! Sop! Souse! Douse!

[In their excitement they forget to be as quiet as they had meant to be, and Snow