Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/160

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Blick. We musn't wake her. Not a sound now. We'll be quietest in bed. [Each Dwarf creeps toward his bed.]

Blick. [Puzzled.] But she's in my bed! Well, I'll take Flick's.

[He moves to the next bed, jumps in, and pulls, the clothes over his head, (Dwarfs always sleep with the bedclothes over their heads). Of course each of the others has to move up one bed. As they pop in, one after another, and cover their heads they cry:

Flick. I'll take Glicks!

Glick.I'll take Snicks!

Snick.I'll take Plicks!

Plick.I'll take Whicks!

Whick.I'll take Quee's!

Blick. [Sitting up suddenly.] Brothers, we've forgotten Quee! [They all sit bolt upright. Then in a whisper they call.]