Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/186

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The Queen. [Attempting to seize a bottle.] Let me see . . .

The Witch. [Crossly.] Don't snatch! Wretched manners! I'll read the labels. [She reads one.] "Five drops before breakfast." Well I declare; I've written out the doses most carefully but totally forgotten what they change people into. But that's easily remedied. A drop of each in the cauldron and you'll see for yourself. Now Watch!

[She pours a few drops from the green bottle into the cauldron. Instantly a cloud of steam rises; and in the steam&dmash;dimly at first, and then quite clearly, appears the figure of an old and wrinkled hag in threadbare garments. On one arm she carries a large basket filled with ribbons, laces, needles, thread, and such articles.

The Witch. I remember, the Old Pedlar-woman disguise. Just the thing. You could pre-