Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/191

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likeness of the old Pedlar-woman just as it appeared in the steam, basket of goods and all.

The Witch. Splendid! Wouldn't recognise you myself, Brangomar. Hope you haven't lost the poisoned comb. No, here it is in your hand. Now, it wasn't half as bad as you thought it would be, was it?

The Pedlar-Woman. [Crossly.] It was awful! Why—is this my voice?

The Witch. Of course. Different voice with every disguise.

The Pedlar-Woman. I'm all cramps, too. How do I change back?

The Witch. Dear me; lucky you thought to ask. I might have forgotten. Just say:—

"Peas porridge hot,
"Peas porridge cold,
"Peas porridge in the pot,
"Nine days old;"

but say it backwards like this :