Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/228

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that Whick only escapes by crawling under a bed. Next, he corners Quee; but Quee is so small that he creeps out between Glick's legs. It is a long while before Glick can touch anybody else; and indeed he only catches Snick at the last because Snick trips over his own long beard, and falls flat. Even then it takes Glick some time to tell whom he has caught, for the Dwarfs are all very much alike. But at last Glick feels a bump on Snick's bald head that came at least a hundred and twenty-five years ago when an enormous diamond fell on him in the mines, and has never gone away again.
Next they play, "Puss-in-the-Corner," and get so excited about it that they clamber all over the clean, starched coverlets that Snow White had only just finished ironing; so she is relieved when the game is over.
Finally comes "Snap-the-Whip." They