Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/251

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eyes burning with excitement; but Blick goes on quietly.

Blick. Ah, that is what we have longed to do—how we have longed!

Berthold. But you have done nothing?

Blick. What could we do? [He bows his head.] We are Dwarfs. We know nothing of the world of men and cities. We hoped that her enemy might some day creep back here. But we are not even sure who . . .

Berthold. Sure? It was Brangomar, the only enemy our little Princess ever had.

Blick. And Brangomar is—a Queen!

Snick. Upon a Throne!

Glick. With a great Court about her!

Flick. In a great City!

Whick. Full of tall people!

Blick. [Bursting out with passionate eager-