Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/265

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Astolaine. [Indignantly.] I wasn't going to! [Then, as the Queen again, and in a loud whisper.] However do you spell it, Sir Dandiprat?

Amelotte. [As Sir Dandiprat.] I can't think, your Majesty.

Astolaine. You never do!

Amelotte. [Strutting about with puffed out cheeks.] Really I shall go distracted! I shall go dis . . .[But she has to clap her hand quickly over her mouth for the real Sir Dandiprat's voice is heard on the terrace, exclaiming, "Really, I shall go distracted!"; and in he bustles, followed by all the Dukes and Duchesses, whom he hastily arranges in their proper places about the room.]

Sir Dandiprat. The Prince is here! The Prince is here ! We're keeping his Highness waiting ! Quickly, quickly, my dear Dukes and Duchesses. Quickly, quickly!

[A trumpet sounds, and Prince Florimond enters, followed by his Pages. The Courtiers bow low.