Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/272

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was a warm rushing here. [She lays her hand on her breast.] and I woke up. Or am I dreaming now? No, there are my Dwarfs. And Rosalys and Christabel and . . . Where am I? [With a cry of fear she struggles to her feet.] This is the palace! The Queen will find me! Hide me, brothers, I'm afraid!

Berthold. [Pouncing upon the cowering Queen.] She shall never harm you again, my Princess ! What shall her punishment be ? Let us starve her in the Grey Tower as she would have starved my children.

Blick. I'll make her a pair of red hot iron shoes to dance in at your wedding.

Dandiprat. If I might suggest, your Highness . . .

[But the Queen , writhing from Berthold's grasp, creeps to Snow White's feet, and makes an imploring gesture.]

Snow White. Hush, please, I think she wants to speak to me.