Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/45

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Christabel. No, you. It makes me feel all creepy.

Rosalys. [To Emengarde.] Well. you!

Emengarde. No! You were counted out.

Astolaine. Well, please somebody!

Rosalys. Oh, dear! [She goes in a hushed whisper.] The reason it's not safe to do or say anything against the Queen is—that she might magic you!

Astolaine. What do you mean?

Rosalys. Enchant you, bewitch you;—do some terrible magic thing to you!

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Astolaine. You don't mean that she's a . . . Witch? [The others not silently, and snuglle closer together.]

Rosalys. If she isn't a Witch herself she is friends with one. You see she must really be very old.

Christabel. She's thirty if she's a minute.