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Socialism, Fascism, Capitalism, and Communism Chart
Presented by the Hampton Roads Naval Museum

Socialism Fascism Capitalism Communism
OWNERSHIP Individuals may own property and small businesses. State ownership of essential services (electricity, water, internet) Individuals may own property and small businesses. State ownership of essential services through dictator Individuals have right to own property. Little to no government ownership of services or production Entire elimination of property rights – no individual land ownership. No economic incentives to individually own
EQUALITY Redistribution of income to create equal classes. Total freedom of religion Nationalistic religion. Unequal redistribution of wealth to reinforce a rigid class structure Freedom of movement and a free economy gives people equal opportunity to pursue life All are equal under the eyes of the government except the ruling class, which is in charge of the redistribution of wealth
PRICES Redistribution of wealth through government oversight. Price control on staple goods while much of economy runs unfettered Prices set around class structure and are influenced by supply and demand. Prices are set by consumer/corporation through supply and demand. Competition brings with it lower prices and better products. Prices defined by government who respond and control supply and demand to artificially control pricing.
TAXES High taxes focused on social services or welfare state High taxes focused on raising military funds for national defense Limited taxes to match limited government High, strict tax rates focused on redistributing wealth to central power
HEALTHCARE Free and accessible to all. Operated by the federal government Accessible and free to all that meet requirements (race, nationality, citizenship are usually factors) Determined by market – little to no government regulation. Accessible to all but distributed unequally (less accessible to poor). Operated by the federal government
NOTABLE FIGURES César Chavez, Albert Einstein, Friedrich Engels Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Nikola Mandic Adam Smith, Ronald Reagan, George Washington Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin
GENERAL PHILOSOPHY Internationalistic with idealized future based on redistribution of wealth to fund and support social programs Nationalistic agenda usually centered around one powerful individual with an idealized past that encourages individualism The free market will determine prices and competition will drive improvements Capitalism has failed to help the working class because it only incentivizes individualism and therefore must be torn through force