Page:Socialism and Anarchism, Antagonistic Opposites - Socialistic Labor Party (1886).djvu/15

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National Executive Committee, New York City,
W. L. ROSENBERG, Secretary, 261 East Tenth Street.
Supervisory Board, Cleveland, Ohio,
CARL ALTENBERND, 33 Mill Street.

All correspondence, communications, remittances of money, and orders for pamphlets intended for the National Executive Committee are, without exception, to be addressed to

261 East Tenth Street, New York City.

Publications in the English Language.

Anti-Syllabus and Tom Strang Killed $0.03
Bebel, August (Social Democratic Deputy in the Reichstag.)—Woman in the Past, Present and future .30
Douai, Dr. A.—Better Times, 30 pages .05
Free Trade in Drink.—An argument for curing National Drunkenness by abolishing the licensing system .10
George, Henry, Progress and Poverty, Cl. 35c. pap.
Social Problems
The Land Question
Gronlund, Laurence.—The Co-operative Commonwealth; an Exposition of Modern Socialism
Cloth 75c. paper, .25
Hymns of Progress.—A collection of songs dealing solely with the largest and simplest aspects of human life, human love, human hope. Cloth 15c. pap. .10
Hyndman, H. M. Socialism and Slavery
Socialism and Smithism
Hyndman and Morris.—Principles of Socialism .15
Jonas, A.—Reporter and Socialist. 60 pages, and interview explaining the aims and objects of Socialism. .10
—— The Eight Hour Work-day, 100 Copies .60
Joynes, J. L. Socialist Catechism 24 pages
Socialist Rhymes, 16 pages
Lassalle, Ferdinand—The Workingman's Programme 54 pages 20
Marriage, The Future of—By a respectable Woman, London, 32 pages, 8 vo. 10
Marx, Karl—Wage Labor and Capital, crown, 16mo. 48 pages 10
Extracts from "Kapital." 10
My Path into Freethought.—A partial autobiography of a Free thinker .40
Socialistic Tracts, per 100 Ex. .20
Socialism made Plain.—51st thousand, per 100 $3.000, .05
Sorge—Socialism and the Worker .05
Threlfall,—Address to the Trade Union Congress, 1885, London .05

For Further information address:

W. L. ROSENBERG, 261 East Tenth Street, NEW YORK CITY.

John Oehleu, Steam Printer, 22 & 24 North William St, N. Y.