Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/112

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for her husband who was dead, for herself so early left forlorn, for the child who so soon must die.

Paul was sitting by himself in a summer-house on the cliff watching the peaceful flaming of the setting sun. He smiled at Elèna's approach; her coming was always a joy to him. He loved her because she always told him the truth and never sought to comfort him with false hopes as did others. He knew that he must die soon and that there were only two who would long remember him—his mother and his friend Elèna.

Elèna told him what had happened in the forest, and little Paul closed his eyes and sat in thought. But by and by he spoke and said, smiling happily:

"I am glad for you, my dear forest queen. I have always known that you were pure and free. Every one who can speak of himself and say, 'I,' ought to be as a conqueror upon the earth. For man can overcome the world."

Then he saw three young ladies walking below the cliff, and said to Elèna:

"Look! your three woodland princesses are coming by."

Elèna looked also, and she recognised