Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/128

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I'll tell you all about it, and you will understand me. It's not possible that such a sensitive and responsive person as yourself—such a wonderful and delicate artist—should not understand."

Now, when a man is appealed to as a sensitive and delicate person, of course he is prepared to understand all that is wanted. And Kragaef began to feel himself in sympathy with the spiritual condition of the lady. He wanted to kiss her hand in token of his sympathy, and he thought with pleasure of raising her small delicate hand to his lips. But this he could not do—he contented himself with gently squeezing her elbow in his hand.

The lady responded by an inclination of her head. Smiling uncertainly and strangely, so that it was impossible to know whether it were for happiness or a desire to weep, she said:

"My husband was a weak and a wicked man. I cannot understand even now why I loved him and couldn't leave him.

"He tortured me—at first timidly, but every year more openly and cruelly. He inflicted all kinds of torture on me, and he soon discovered a very simple and ordinary way. I can't think why I put up with it.