Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/197

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hand tenderly as he said in a caressing tone:

"He fell in love with you the first time he saw you."

Agnes was beginning to conquer her agitation, and her voice rang out clearly and young as she continued:

"I looked at him. I knew that I was doing wrong, but I knew that in that moment I was happy. Never for one moment, dear Edward, did I love you less. But some one powerful and insidious seemed to whisper to me that the soul of man is broad and high, that the soul of man is greater than the world, and that love knows neither bounds nor measure.

"I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember where we went. It was already beginning to get dark, for we had gone into the forest, and the midnight glow came faintly through the trees. I listened to the voice of love. I kissed Bernard Horn. I lay submissively in his arms and responded to his caresses with passionate embraces, and I laughed and wept. I laughed as I haven't known how to laugh for a long time; I wept as I weep now."

The tears trickled gently down her cheeks.