Page:Solomon Abramovich Lozovsky - Lenin, The Great Strategist of the Class War - tr. Alexander Bittleman (1924).pdf/8

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When in trouble, go back to Lenin. When in doubt, consult Lenin. This should become the maxim of every worker and poor farmer in the United States. For there is no surer guide to what the oppressed masses must do to protect themselves against the conspiracies of the capitalists than the teachings and directions of Leninism.

Is it war that you are called upon to sacrifice your life for? If it is, here is what Lenin will tell you. First, inquire, ask questions. Who is it that calls you to war? For what purpose? In defense of whose interests?

And when you find, as you are bound to, that the war is championed by the capitalists, that you are called upon to defend the profits and power of your bosses and exploiters, that it is a war of imperialist robbery and plunder, you will say what Lenin said: Not a cent and not a man for the aggrandizement of our class-enemies! Instead of waging war for capitalism, we shall start war against capitalism, for the overthrow of the power of our bosses and for the establishment of our own rule.

And, then, you might ask some more questions. You might want to know how best to fight your economic battles, how to resist wage cuts, open shops drives, unemployment. You will find, for instance, that one of your main problems in the coming months will be how best to strengthen your unions, to rejuvenate them with a new spirit of militancy and hopefulness. What must you do? What can you do?

Turn to Lenin, he'll tell you. He has built a party and led a movement which already conquered for the toiling masses one sixth of the earth's surface. He ought to know how you do those things. Ask him and he'll tell you.

Then, if you go deep enough into the problems of the working class, you will strike the problem of all problems, the question of how you can do away with capitalism altogether. And you will want to know the best way, the surest road, the shortest cut to your final goal. And again we say, ask Lenin, study Leninism.

As with all knowledge that is really worth having, there is no royal or short road to the study of Leninism. Many books have been and will be written on Lenin and on Leninism, which is merely another name for the great art and science of the Social Revolution. Those working class militants, who are truly ambitions to serve their class against capitalism, will no doubt find the time and energy required for a thorough study of Leninism. And as a beginning or introduction to such a course of study we know of no better work than this pamphlet by A. Losovsky.