Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/104

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is the complement of the other. Neither, however, furnishes an explanation of the hosts of working children in all parts of the country. The public may demand tawdry products; the machinery may be built to accommodate a child; the manufacturer may advertise, "Small girls wanted," but why do the small girls come? For the explanation search must be made elsewhere.

IV. Necessity and Child Labor

"When I was a boy of seven, I went to work, and I don't see any good reason why boys shouldn't do it now. I learned my business that way, and from my point of view, it's better to learn it by starting at the bottom and working up." This attitude is a common one, but much less common than it was ten years ago. Men are learning that their doing things in a particular way furnishes no good reason why the next generation should do things in the same way. Progress can be made only when each generation does things a little differently.

There are still a few people who use the