Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/142

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government make some return to the needy family of such a child while education is being supplied.

This problem has been extensively dealt with abroad, where three methods have been devised which, directly or indirectly, assist in the maintenance of family standards.

1. The minimum wage.

2. Compulsory insurance.

3. School feeding.

The efforts to establish a minimum wage are best exemplified in the legislation of New South Wales (Australia), and of New Zealand. The laws originated in the attempts of the government to maintain the workers and their families in the face of a sweat-shop competition which was being aggravated by immigration.

The employer or the employees in any industry might, under the law, call upon the authorities for the appointment of a minimum wage board, whereupon the local court appointed such a board, consisting of employers, employees, and third parties.

The board held public sessions, took testi-