Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/144

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The second form of protection for low standard families, compulsory insurance, has been most completely developed in Germany. Here, for a generation, all workers whose income was less than a specified amount, have had to insure against sickness, accident, and death. This compulsory insurance forms a part of the extensive programme of social legislation which Germany has promulgated for the protection of her industrial workers.

The insurance funds are maintained in part by the workers, in part by the employers, and in part by the government. Under the compulsory provisions of the law no man can by his incapacity or death plunge his family into poverty or throw them upon the community for support. Insurance is provided for the protection of those dependent upon him, just as fire departments and public schools are provided for protection and assistance in completer living. The health and physical well-being of children in Germany are thus considered in no way less important than their protection or education.

The promulgation of such a system over so