Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/29

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the amount of child labor, and they justify the statement that the problem is one of serious magnitude.

V. The Child as a National Asset

Into this problem, with its peculiar setting and its broad interests, enters the "Child Labor Reformer," the "Fanatic," the "Deluded Social Agitator," emphasizing the human side of industry and the statistical side of the child labor question, and clamoring for legislation and later for its enforcement. Is he justified in his demand?

The human appeal of the Reformer-Fanatic-Agitator is just and strong. Unquestionably the children are abused. Unquestionably they need protection. As has already been indicated, the statistical side of the problem is insignificant. What matter whether the true number of child workers be seventeen hundred thousand or twenty hundred thousand? Neither figure is within the bounds of definite comprehension and both are intolerable in their vastness. The child labor question is a question not of statistics,