Page:Solution of the Child Labor Problem.djvu/94

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labor rests; but so does the use of fire; so the atmosphere; so the old earth herself. Modern industry forms the basis for the existence of child labor, just as the crust on the surface of the earth forms the basis for man's life. Each allows of the continuance of certain activities, but in neither case can the immediate cause be traced to modern industry or to the earth's crust. The earth's crust is never spoken of as the "cause" of men's activity; no more can modern industry be described as the cause of child labor. Child labor without modern industry would be impossible, yet modern industry cannot be described as the active cause which is at present leading children to work.

Where, then, can the responsibility be laid? It must clearly depend on some personal factor. Can the responsibility be laid upon the parent who, in ignorance of what the ultimate consequences will be, sends the child out to labor in the fields of modern industry; upon the parent who is compelled by the presence of many children and few dollars to supplement the family income in every conceivable