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at once brief and entertaining, of Hindoo popular songs and hymns, see Garcin de Tassy, — "Chants populaires de l'Inde."

Dogs of Fo. — The Dog of Fo is one of those fabulous monsters in the sculptural representation of which Chinese art has found its most grotesque expression. It is really an exaggerated lion; and the symbolical relation of the lion to Buddhism is well known. Statues of these mythical animals — sometimes of a grandiose and colossal execution — are placed in pairs before the entrances of temples, palaces, and tombs, as tokens of honor, and as emblems of divine protection.

Fo. — Buddha is called Fo, Fuh, Fuh-tu, Hwut, Făt, in various Chinese dialects. The name is thought to be a corruption of the Hindoo Bodh, or "Truth," due to the imperfect articulation of the Chinese. . . . It is a curious fact that the Chinese Buddhist liturgy is Sanscrit transliterated into Chinese characters, and that the priests have lost all recollection of the antique tongue, — repeating the texts without the least comprehension of their meaning.

Fuh-yin. — An official holding in Chinese cities a position corresponding to that of mayor in the Occident.