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"THE BIBLE UNMASKED" By Joseph Lewis FORMERLY $2.50 — NOW ONLY $1.00 WITH 17 FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS Joseph Lewis Dares to Tell the Truth About the Bible Today it is still claimed for the Scriptures that they give men a workable code of morals. But is that true? We know that the Bible has been proven wrong in all of its other claims to authority. It is only natural, then, that even this last shred of authority should be doubted. And this last claim is torn away from the Bible by Joseph Lewis, in his astounding book, '"The Bible Unmasked." An eminent writer has declared this book to be "the most daring exposure of modern times, and recalls the satire of Voltaire, the reason of Paine and the eloquence of Ingersoll." The conclusions of this indomitably amazing book cannot be avoided. It is a challenge to the entire world. So great has been the demand for this book, and so widespread the controversy occasioned by its publi- cation, that in this country alone 17 large editions have already been sold at the regular price of $2.50 a copy, but both the author and pub- lishers ivant this book to be put into the hands of even' thinking man and woman in America and are now offering it for only $1.00 a copy plus 15i for packing and delivery charges. "The Bible Unmasked" contains nearly 256 pages, is printed on fine antique book paper, and beautifully bound in red cloth. Order it now while we still have the privilege of sending it to you. Canadian orders will not be accepted, as this book has been prohibited in Canada. Buy several copies and pass them on to those who need them. Over 125,000 have already been sold! Read This Amazing Table of Contents THE OLD TESTAMENT How Abram Sold His Wife Sarai to Pharaoh "Sporting," or Isaac and His Wife Rebekah Incest of Lot and His Daughters and their Sacrifice Upon the Altar of Lust The Polygamous Marriage of Jacob to Leah and Rachel and How They Bar- gained For His Sexual Favors The Temptation of Joseph by Poti- phar's Wife The Prostitutional Bargaining Between Judah and His Daughter-in-Law Tamar The 19th Chapter of Judges, or the Sacrifice of the Priest's Concubine to a Lustful Mob King David of Israel, Bathsheba, and His Nine Other Wives The Rape of Tamar by Her Brother Amnon The Story of Ruth, or How She Won a Husband King Solomon and His Erotic Love Songs The Book of Esther, or the Sexual Test That Made Her Queen THE NEW TESTAMENT The Virgin Birth, or Mary, the Holy Ghost, Joseph and the Illegitimacy of Jesus. The Virgin Birth According to Luke, or How Mary Deceived Joseph Elisabeth, Angel Gabriel and Zacharias, or the Seduction of Elisabeth Ac- cording to the Gospel of Luke Jesus and the Sinner, and What She Did to Him FREETHOUGHT PRESS ASSOCIATION 257 West 38th Street, New York 8, N. Y. 1 001 8