Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/27

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been qualified, though their discourses were unadorned by human art or study, to awaken the sinner, and to bring him unto Christ. It is with a broken and a contrite spirit that the Lord condescendeth to dwell; and such is his love, that as this prevails in our meetings for worship, the hearer is not ready to try the ministry by the standard of his own wisdom, he is not discomposed or perplexed if he thinks what is delivered is not adapted to his own individual edification.

I would willingly encourage in every one of my young friends, a deep religious travail of soul for their growth in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,—in that knowledge which is life eternal. As this spiritual exercise is maintained in the fear of the Lord, as the natural will and the powers of the mind are subjected to the power of God, as spirit, soul, and body are offered to his disposal, a holy reverence of Him is produced; and under a solemn sense of the nature of his service, of the unworthiness of the creature, and of his manifold infirmities and transgressions, the secret cry is raised, Help me and preserve me, O God of my salvation. In this lowly state an inward devotedness to the Lord is experienced, a godly care prevails that the work of religion may be maintained by purity of life and conversation,