Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/35

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ence of divine grace, you may become useful members of our Society, let me, before I leave this subject, invite you to make yourselves well acquainted with its views of doctrine and practice, with its early history, and with the narratives of the devotedness to Christ, and of the sufferings for his name-sake of those who have gone before us in religious profession. Many of these have exhibited, both in their lives and in their deaths, the practical efficacy of their faith. Bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit, in their moral virtues and enlarged philanthropy they commended their profession to those amongst whom they dwelt. Allow me to recommend to your careful and attentive perusal, the Rules of Discipline and Advices of our religious society, extracted from the Minutes and Epistles of the Yearly Meeting, and recently published under its sanction. In my apprehension this publication exhibits much that is excellent, and of practical application by us all. Our Christian discipline bears ample evidence of a divine superintending care which has been extended to us. May you increasingly value its salutary provisions and observe all its regulations; and as far as it is in your power, cheerfully attend the meetings established for its maintenance. The intercourse which our meetings for discipline have occasioned, and the brotherly kindness and