Page:Some Reflections on the Importance of a Religious Life.djvu/7

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My dear Friends,

Having often felt a lively interest in your present and future happiness, and this feeling of Christian solicitude continuing, I venture to offer for your acceptance a written testimonial of brotherly love.

It is my earnest desire, that under a sense of the infinite value of your immortal souls, you may be induced frequently to meditate on the things of eternity; seriously to ask yourselves whether you are, in humility and faith, seeking earnestly for the help of the Holy Spirit, to live in the pure and filial fear of God, and to keep his commandments. The inward convictions of the Spirit of Truth, and that knowledge of the will of the Most High, which he has mercifully granted through the Holy Scriptures, will, I trust, prepare you to admit the important truth, that man is in a fallen State, and that he cannot