Page:Some ejaculations and dying words of the late Reverend Mr John Willison, late Minister of the Gospel at Dundee, or, His last words to his wife & children.pdf/7

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be God, my pains is not in hell, their state is not mine.

Lord, draw near to me, and save me. My body is full of trouble, and my life draws near to the grave. But, Lord, thy loving kindness is better than life, O make thy loving kindness sure to me, and I will willingly part with this dying life. Oh, that I could make all the world see the beauty of my precious and adorable Saviour. Nothing but an interest in Christ can give peace in life, or comfort in death. He is the chief among ten thousaud, and all together lovely. My body its in part dead, but I know I cannot die eternally while Jesus lives. I must go down to the grave; but what is the grave? it is but a refining pot since my Saviour lay in it; it is but a bed of roses. He is the Rose of Charron, and the Lilly of the valley.

It was his grace that drew me, and made me willing in a day of his power; no desire nor merit in me, it was all free and undeserved. O let the chastisement of my body be the medicine of my soul, to cure me of sin, and bring me to sincere repentance for it; for Christ was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him. Lord, remember the chastisement of Christ for sin, and let my pains be the chastisement of a father, and not the wounds of an enemy. Let Christ’s sufferings mitigate mine. I rejoice in the prospect of that glorious inheritance reserved safe. — I could not comfortably enter eternity any other way but in and through this God-man mediator: if he was not God as well as man I could not be supported, but he is God. Oh, this precious Saviour, he is my all in all, he is my sufficient good, my portion and my choice; in him my vast desires are fulfilled, and all my powers rejoice. I am travelling the wilderness to a city of habitation, whose builder and maker is God. Oh! delightful thought! that I who was going on in sin, should be plucked as a brand out of the burning. Oh! how will they ly on a death bed that have nothing but their own works to fly to? with only this to depend on, I should be the most miserable of all creatures; but the long white robe of